Qigong Tuina Therapy
Qigong Tuina Therapy is a combination of Tuina (a therapeutic approach basing on TCM principles), acupressure, qi balancing, acu-cupping, western medical systems, logic and Qigong. The therapy is based on the acupuncture points at the 12 Meridians and 8 Extraordinary Meridians; the Viscera a general term for the internal organs (zhang fu); Yin and Yang theory; Five Element Theory and the concepts of Qi. If possible, I would like to have a look at x-ray and medical reports to ascertain the real problem. I also use western medical theories on functions of cerebral cortex (brain), organs and human systems.
stroke patient edema patient
Each treatment takes at least 1.5 to 2 hours to complete. With the consent off the patient , the treatment may be extended by a maximum 2 hours to speed up the recovery (as in the case of someone with 30 years of chronic back pain where he could not sit for even 10 minutes or other chronic diseases such as stroke etc).
I have also adopted western knowledge of the cerebral cortex in scalp acupuncture (but uses acupressure instead) for treatment of stroke, Parkinson and other illness due to brain damage/malfunctioning. I also used qigong to stimulate the damage brain cells or problematic areas. I also can treat frozen shoulders, all kinds of limbs problems, neck problems , migraine, severe headache, lady period pain/cramp, back pain, edema, and etc. I am also capable of providing post accident treatments to correct misaligned bone, jutting bones, edema (condition of swollen limbs due to body fluid build up), internal injury due to accident, blood and qi circulation problems etc .
For inquiry / appointment call TF Foo at 016 2155022 . E-mail: :tiockfeng@gmail.com
Labels: Alternative Healing, Arthritis, blockages, Chi, Chi Kung, Energies Healing, Healing, Healing without Medicine, Immune system healing, Natural Healing, Qi, Qigong, stroke treatment, Therapy
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