To present a balanced views of Eastern studies such as Martial arts, qigong, traditional healing, natural healing and meditation.

Friday, April 20, 2012

How To Overcome Chronic Diseases

How To Overcome Chronic Diseases

After learning Qigong, I have come across lots of people with chronic illness. Even I had dermatitis induced psoriasis (a chronic skin disorder) and a host of other lesser illnesses such as sinus, cold limbs and etc. Please read my earlier articles. The aim of this article is to explore critical illness and try to offer solutions to help aid the healing. I have seen lots of people die as a result of eating the wrong supplements, dehydration and breathing difficulties.

The first thing when one is diagnose to have a chronic illness is to have a second opinion from another specialist. Once it is confirmed that you really have a chronic disease, you must learn to accept the fact. Acceptance is very important since denial will not do you any good or help you in any way. You must accept the fact and see what are your options available. Be logical and look through the options. What has happened, is a reality and cannot be changed. At the earlier stages, most type of cancer  are curable. Therefore we must do the right thing to keep ourselves alive. We should not procrastinate any action since earlier action give us a better chance of survival.  We must also be strong and decide that we want to live on. You must look at the positive side or else there can be no cure for you. Most cancer patients have either being leading an unhealthy lifestyle or undergoing a very stressful personal or working life. It is our body trying to tell us, we cannot continue living our lives the same way. 

Reality Check
Once it has been confirmed that you have a chronic illness, one should have a reality check. You should know what is the worst case scenario and what is your chances of surviving. You must do some deep down reality check. No one is going to live forever. If your illness is not life threatening, do not accept a solution that might make you into a moron with no cure in sight. If you only have chronic skin disorder, why take injections that does not provide a cure but cause you further miseries such as lost of memories, hairs and etc. Be logical.  Be on the look out for con people /doctors/ hospitals who like to prey on the helpless. If you do not help yourself, who else would? Do not get opinions from people with no experience or knowledge of the disease. Talk to specialists but you must also evaluate them carefully. Be prudent.

There is a need to change your lifestyle and mindset to help you in the healing process. As you come to term with your illness, you must recognize that there is a need to adjust your lifestyle and remove any unhealthy habits such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits (eating excessively, hurriedly or when the food is too hot), unhealthy sleeping habits (not enough rest) and etc. Do not listen to everyone's advice.  Be logical. Do not eat lingzhi, lamb stem cells and etc. These expensive health supplements are not for those with critical illness. The fact is some of my qigong friends with cancer took lingzhi and lamb stem cells distributed by direct selling companies and died within several months.  All food should generally be less sugar,  less salt, less acidic (and more alkaline) and less animal fats. Drink lots of warm water regularly. Do not take too much cold drinks and refrigerated food. Most cancer patients do not have enough Yang Qi (positive qi). Normally they will have very cold limbs plus some other affected areas, even on a warm day. They need to improve their immune system by learning Qigong and doing detoxification several times daily. Do not seek for miracle cures. The only person capable of producing any miracle is yourself. If you really want to live on and are willing to follow a simple lifestyle you might survive. Miracle only happen because you will it to happen. You must have faith in yourself. You must think positively and really want to continue living. Be strong.

Exercises / Qigong / Yoga
Any kind of exercises will help. Exercises with some stress relief will be good. Qigong and Yoga are known to help reduce your stress. Meditation is also good. Best of all is learning to breathe properly. Do not listen to everyone as there are a lot of "scavengers" taking advantage of people who are in need of help and in distress. There are bogus Qigong/ Yoga/Silat "masters" who ask you to pay lots of money to help you get well. Many of these people are conman and you need to be wary of them. Sometimes things are very apparent. For instance the healer have skin problems so logically he cannot heal your skin problem. Likewise if the healer's son got cancer, there is no way he can help you heal your cancer when he cannot even heal his own son. These people play with our emotions to try to con us. Then there are others who have no abilities to help us but just want to be "busy bodies". These people instead of helping us, give us more stress and waste our time. Therefore do not waste your precious time on them. 

It is a known fact that we are constantly stressed by our surroundings and what happen to our lives. We need to do breathing exercises to bring down our stress. Meditation might also help. When you slow down your breathing, automatically your heart also beat more slowly and you are able to become more calm. Look at the way a baby sleep and how the baby breathe. You will notice that the baby belly expand as the baby breathe in and back to normal as he/she exhale. Similarly, in qigong and mind control, you try to relearn what you have forgotten as a child. You try to have deeper  breathing (not just your chest level but down to your belly). This will definitely help those with breathing difficulties. These breathing exercises also help build up your stomach muscles. There are many people who can take a few punches at the belly due to just some simple breathing exercises. It is funny how many qigong /tai chi chuan practitioner having learned the art for 10 to 20 years and yet are pretty ordinary. They have diligently practiced the moves over and over for years. These people are neither relaxed nor loosened (soong). They do not know how to focus, visualize, use yi (mind) to direct qi and neglected the breathing (replaced by normal breathing). So there is no wonder why they are still so ordinary. The moves by themselves are just a form of normal exercises. 

You can heal others as well as yourself. You need to help your immune system to get stronger to fight against the indiscriminate killing of cells by treatments such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, x-ray and etc. Meditation can also help to reduce the stress. Qigong exercises also make our muscles stronger, burn down fats, strengthen our immune system, release excess body heat/toxin through sweating and a host of other benefits. 

f you want to know more about Qigong -Introduction to  Qi Emission, Qiball and Basic, please click here.

If you want to learn some Free Useful Qigong Exercises on Youtube,  Free Useful Qigong Lesson 1 - Loosening Exercises ; Free Useful Qigong Lesson 2 - Shoulders Rolls ; Free Useful Qigong Lesson 3 - Playing with Qi (magnetic flow) 

Chronic Illness
Some illness are life threatening while others are not. For instance cancer, aids and etc. are life threatening if a cure is not found. Skin problems might just look unsightly/ horrible due to disfiguration  but is not likely to be life threatening. Arthritis is also normally not life threatening but it can be quite gruesome and painful. You must get your perspective right. Many of these illness is due to severe stresses at work or at home  which suddenly activated the dormant cancer cells. Then there are others who seldom do any form of exercises. 

Kidney / Renal Failure
Those with chronic Renal Failure are often without hope of any cure according to western medical science. Many are bed ridden and waiting for the time to depart. Urena Lobata or Pulut-Pulut or  Congo Jute  is a herb used by Asian to help those with Renal Failure where the kidney is unable to function properly. For those interested to know more you can visit my website and then click onto Healing Files search for Overcoming Chronic Diseases under Renal Failure is a link. 

This disease of the joints usually surface around your mid thirties. It is a painful experience especially if you have gout. Due to lack of exercises, the joints become affected. Some people hands are deform and can be in all types of odd shape. These people must try to do more exercises by using their fingers more often. The more blood and qi is able to reach the fingers and joints the lesser your problems will be. I will refrain on talking on calcium and our body ability to retain the calcium from milk and cheese. The best way of getting healed is to make more use of your limbs by way of exercises such as qigong. Take your time as you have neglected them for so many years, there is no short cut. You must overcome one hurdle at a time. Of-course  qigong therapies will definitely help too. This is due to the number of blockages usually associated with those with these diseases. The removal of blockages will help the blood and qi to circulate more efficiently thus enhancing your path to recovery.  

Then there are those who seldom exercise get problem from the digestive and waste management systems of our body. If your internal organs cannot handle the digestive and waste management properly, it will cause the kidney, stomach and intestine to be unable to function properly. The collection of residue will result in stones in the organs such as liver and kidney.  Due to over eating and lack of exercises, the people are obese. Some of them might have gout a form of arthritis, as a result of the kidney not functioning properly. Under normal circumstances, the uric acid will be passed out in your urine. Since your kidney is not functioning properly, some of the uric acid will flow into the blood stream and settled mostly near the joints of the legs. This will result in pains and discomfort at the joints as well as the leg become swollen.  One must avoid high purine foods.
A high-purine diet is one of many things that can trigger gout attacks when you have a high level of uric acid. Limiting or avoiding these foods may help lessen the chance of an attack.
Meats such as Beef  -Organ meats, Pork-(such as liverwurst, kidney, and brain), Lamb -Meat-based gravies have high purine. So is beer and wine. Seafood such as Anchovies, Sardines, Herring,Scallops, Mussels, Trout, Roe (fish eggs), Codfish, Haddock and etc also have lots of purine. You must also avoid vegetables such as Spinach, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Mushrooms and etc. Other food to avoid are Oatmeal, Peas, Dried beans, Lentils and etc.
To treat the pain from attacks, your healthcare professional's recommendations might include common pain relievers and anti-inflammation, such as NSAIDs (Examples: indomethacin, naproxen, Aleve® and Advil®), Colchicine, Steroids (Example: prednisone).

Stomach/Intestine illness

Due to lack of exercises and poor eating habits, some people get cancer of the stomach/intestines and etc. Due to the qi being unable to go down, many people will usually burp and have breathing difficulties. In certain cases, you can smell acidic chemical from their breath. You see the qi is suppose to go down and come out as fart. Many patients are known to have poor appetite. Even if they want to eat (because they have to or they might die of hunger and lack of nutrients) , they might vomit most of the food eaten. Chinese Yam (Yi Toa) and Tapioca (Ubi Kayu) might somehow have the answer. In a documentary on Chinese Television, an old man with stomach cancer eat yam and somehow did not vomit out. Previously he could not eat anything because he would vomit them out. So he include Yam in his daily food to eat and eventually get cured. There are also suggestion that tapioca might help ( Looking at it from a different angle, sweet potatoes, tapioca and yam are taro roots and help to make a person fart. If you keep on burping, your lung will have problem breathing. Therefore please include these food in your diet if you have stomach, bladder or intestine problems.   
So do not try everything your friends recommend to you. They might have good intentions but sometime they lack the expertise to know whether the supplements/medicines can actually help or kill you. I have seen two of my qigong colleagues with stomach/intestine cancer taking lingzhi and stem cells (from lambs) distributed by some direct selling companies. A few months later one of them died. Another few months passed  before the next died. These are untested products and should not be used. As far as cancer cells are concern, do not eat sweet, salty, acidic, too much meat, fatty and fried foods, lingzhi and etc. What is good for normal people might not be good for you. Be careful as it is your life at stake not theirs. 

Dermatitis, Psoriasis and skin problems
Skin problems can be very stressful and might be the result of a stressful life style. It might look very unsightly and probably your close friends and family members might avoid you for fear of getting infected. This is not a life threatening disease so there is no need to act as if the whole world has collapsed. In many cases you do not even need to listen to the skin specialist. In my case, I had dermatitis induced psoriasis (a chronic skin disorder) which the skin specialist said had no cure. The only solution was to control it by way of injections (not to make it worse). There were some side effects such as loss of memory, hair and etc. I had to sign a piece of paper before they inject anything into me. After accepting the fact that the disease was at most unsightly and uncomfortable but not life threatening, there was no need for me to subject myself to an even worse fate (such as loss of memory). Be prudent, why let other transform you into a moron when there is no cure? Weight it carefully, it is your life not the specialist (they are more interested in your money). Eventually as I exercises more with qigong, there was no need for any cure. Please refer to my earlier articles. As with any injuries due to scratching, do not let the area become wet. I remember when I fell from my motor bike more than 20 years ago, when ever the injuries touch water it became very difficult to heal. The areas already dried was about to heal suddenly become soft and itchy. The areas started to weep and it become infected again. So do avoid water at the area of the wound if you want the wound to heal faster. Do not allow the skin to weep. Use ointment instead of cream as it is more oily. If you are those who habitually scratch your skin when you are asleep, wear cotton gloves. If your skin are too dry and easily cracked, you can use olive oil plus primrose oil to help your skin. I also find it useful to remove dead skins by using razor sharp blade to scratch off the dead skins. This is to allow the skin to breathe. Before long you might notice hairs growing from that area. If you want more practical tips on chronic skin disorder, please click here.

General Tip for Surviving Chronic Illness
What I am trying to convey is that we must do one thing at a time and work towards overcoming the illness. So to recap we must first learn to overcome our stress by thinking positively. Reduce the excessive heat to the head causing headache, fever and etc by way of exercises and other therapies. You need to drink lots of warm water to help you release the toxin either through your kidney or through your sweats. Many novice health care personnel would ask me if their temperature would rise (why not cold water?). As long as you sweat properly, it will lower your body heat and toxins. When a person is heated up, a sudden change of temperature might induce a different outcome. If your body cannot take it you might succumb to a cold. The warm water will only make you sweat and therefore reduce excessive heat. Next your nutrition must be proper. You cannot expect to be healthy when you eat excessively or unhealthily or eating food that is too hot or still at boiling temperature. No junk food or untested products. Treatment of illness must be from qualified personnel. Be wary of con men who is out to con you of your money. Do not take unnecessary risk with your life. Weight carefully the pro and cons of the treatments. If you only have unsightly chronic skin problems, why subject yourself to problems such as lost of memories etc. It is not worth it. Be prudent. Remember no one is asking you to stop your regular treatment with a qualified specialist. Why not get the best out of both east and west by learning qigong and continue with normal therapy. It is estimated that more people die as a result of treatment (such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and etc due to the indiscriminate killing of cells with or without cancer) than the cancer itself. Lots of cancer patients also complain of dehydration. If you do not learn to de-stress and help your immune system to grow stronger, you will not have much chance of a survival. When your immune system is already low, any disease will cause you lots of problems. I have seen people recovered from 4th stage cancer by just learning Qigong and doing detoxification several times daily before and after chemotherapy. Therefore do what you must do to survive. Take care. Remember, if you really want to survive, you must learn to do the right things. 

If anyone with real life experience would like to share them with us, you are most welcome. 

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