To present a balanced views of Eastern studies such as Martial arts, qigong, traditional healing, natural healing and meditation.

Thursday, July 12, 2012




Qi Emission 2                                           The Healing Qiball                                 Real Colorful Qiball

This article is in respond to those people who want to know more about Qigong or my videos on This article will cover the all the basics loosening and breathing exercises; topic of qi ball;  qi emission (fa qi/ fa chi or in Cantonese Fart Hei) and meditation. 

Basically, Qi is a general term for breath, air bubble, energy and etc.  For those who want to know about Qi, please refer to my article, Chi - The Universal Energy.

What exactly is qigong/ chi gong ? Qigong is the art of harnessing and using qi. Basically, qigong is a set of exercises compiled by a master. Like in cooking, the chef will always add his style and flavor to his recipe, a master will have his own emphasis. For example Chen Tai Chi Chuan (Chen style Tai Chi) is the original modern day Tai Chi Chuan which suddenly appeared in the 17th century at the Chen Jia kow (Chen Ravine). After Yang Lu Sian learned the Chen Tai Chi Chuan, he made it more graceful (rou) and slow. He named it as Yang Tai Chi Chuan. Now there are so many new Tai Chi Chuan style with their own emphasis which are offshoots from Chen and Yang Tai Chi Chuan. The Wudang Tai Chi Chuan in the original moves was created by Wudang founding father Chan San Feng in around 1200. Similarly in Qigong, some master will prefer more physical movements while others will prefer more breathing. It is a matter of personal preference. For me there must be lots of breathing, movements and non movements (as in meditations). Then there is Qigong and Neigong (internal art).

If we want to be good at qigong, we must first have an open mind. Each of us has been given different abilities, play different roles, chosen different paths in life and have differing destinies. Before I started Qigong, I had been practicing Kundalini Yoga meditation since 1986. My chakras have long been activated but I still found myself saddled with all kinds of health problems such as psoriasis which the skin specialist said had no cure; cold limbs, sinus and etc. Please refer to my articles Self Healing with Qigong  and How I heal myself (Psoriasis and Dermatitis)

I had thought that we all breathe all the time so why do we still need to learn how to breathe? When you look around in a qi gong class, the people are all either old or sick or both. Frankly, I had never really wanted to learn qigong.  The truth was I didn't know much about qi or how it function.  

Some examples of what Qi can do

 My legs recovering from psoriasis (which skin specialists claim there is no cure).

A few months later , all the above is no longer in sight. The scars while unsightly still remain but it is nothing compare to having to consume and apply antibiotics and steroids every few hours.

Breathing and posture
If we notice the babies when they are asleep, we can see their tummy heaving in (as they breathe in) and out (as they breathe out). As the babies grow older, their body postures changes and so do their breathing habit. Modern men would always try to have the v shape body. I was told by a body builder former collage mate that they cannot do jogging as this would make their waist grow bigger. So naturally it is breathing up to the chest level. You see even Bruce Lee would do anything to get the waist to be muscular and fat free. Wudang founding father Chang San Feng had lived well past a century when he founded Tai Chi Chuan while in seclusion. His body was slightly hunched and had pot belly. He teaches deep diaphragm breathing. He was exactly opposite to Bruce Lee's muscular v shape body. Bruce Lee died at 32 years 8 months. 

Professional soccer players are consider some of the fittest sport people with doctors, physiotherapists and health experts making sure they eat and train as planned. Recently there was this soccer player Muamba in English Premier League who lost consciousness during a game (Bolton V Spur) and was rush to hospital. He has since recovered well enough to leave hospital. An Italian soccer player also lost consciousness a few weeks later. However the Italian player was not so lucky and died on the way to hospital. So what modern science and medical specialists conclude as healthy might just be a death trap. Despite all the careful monitoring of nutrition, modern workout and training methods under the watchful eyes of specialists, these wealthy stars are more at risk than a hermit living in seclusion on top of Mount Wudang (who does not get or need any medical attention). 

Our doctors /specialists seems to group most diseases as incurable. You seems to get steroids, antibiotic and painkillers for everything. Painkillers does not cure / heal your pain, it only numb our nerve to mask it as if there is no pain. The pain (or even cancer) is a message from our body telling us that something is wrong with the way we are living our lives. This should not and cannot go on any further. We need to draw a line and get rid of all unhealthy habits such as not enough rest, eating too much or too fast and not enough proper exercises. If you want to be healthy, please click here. Bruce Lee had proper nutrition and exercises but he does not have enough rest. His immune system just broke down and he died while in a coma. These so call incurable diseases are mostly curable. I have healed many people who have to rely on painkillers to sleep. As long as you find the source of the pain and healed it, there is no need for painkillers. 

  Recently, a really muscular security guard in his mid twenties from Nepal (claim to be a karate black belt and body builder was gloating about breaking bricks /planks  with his bare hands) told me mockingly (Chinese soft soft, Nepalis strong strong) meaning  my flesh and muscle were soft and he was strong with big biceps. I smilingly asked him to poke at my soft tummy and then at the tiny soft fleshy area under my Adam's apple. He was surprised that the soft tissues suddenly hardened when he tried to push. The harder he pushed, the harder the flesh become. I wanted to push my index finger at his throat area but he ran off. As I am always loosened and relaxed, my flesh will always be soft like a baby. When someone poke or push me, then only will there be resistance. A former senior of mine claim one should be stiff all the time like in the hard qigong or martial arts (he was learning), which I totally disagree. If you are hard, if I were to punch you, you will definitely be seriously injured. If you are loosened, my punch will not be able to harm you as you move with the momentum. It is like hitting a balloon.  A punch will only make the balloon bounce away (unless the balloon is tie and fixed to a certain spot which will make it burst). A few days later, I met the same guard again and he requested my help on his sprained elbow/muscles (as a result of frequent body building training in the gym). Now all the security guards at that place know how strong I can be. 

The proper way of breathing is to breathe in through the nose. Hold it for 4 to 6 seconds and then very slowly exhale all the air from the belly for about six seconds for a start. You can later extend it to 12 seconds or even longer. This can help you build up your stomach muscles. It can also help to slow down your heat beat in tandem with your breathing. There are some people who can take some punches after learning this type of breathing.  Please be warned that you must also know how to cut off the pain before you try to take punches with your stomach. Obviously, many masters have techniques of receiving a hard punch. It is best for you to learn it under the proper guidance of a master. 

Proper Ready Stance Position

Before we begin, we must get into the right frame of mind by being quiet and relaxed. Shoulder slightly drooped and loosened. Buttock slightly tuck in like you are sitting on a bench. Hands by the side, legs slightly bend at shoulder width. The weight distribution is 60% on Yong Chuan and 40% on heel. Make sure the knees do not cover the toes. Use your Yi to focus on your Dan Tian. Please look at the picture below fot the correct stance.



1)   QUIET  (JING)

Proper Deep Breathing

Breathing is the most important aspect of qigong. With normal breathing, qigong becomes normal exercises. Many qigong and tai chi practitioners having 20 to 30 years of practicing still look very ordinary and cannot even feel qi. Yet many people learning the 1st lesson from me can feel qi. Please take note of the following:

1)   All inhale is through the nose
2)   All holding of breath is 4 seconds to 6 seconds.
3)   Exhale can be by blowing through the mouth (which is water). For meditation purposes all exhale is through the nose with tongue on the palate (metal).
4)   For a start exhale should be at least 6 seconds. You can extend it to 12 seconds or longer when you progress at a later stage.
5)   Always follow the hold 4 seconds exhale 6 seconds and relax 4 seconds.

Breathing Exercises


Hands by the side                                            Lift hands to eye level

This is a very simple exercise which most Chinese martial artist and qigong practitioners take for granted. From your ready stance, lift both hands to eye level. Breathe in and hold for 4 to 6 seconds. Slowly blow out and in tandem bring your hands downward (as slow as possible) until there is no air in your belly.

Few people realize the importance of this exercise. This exercise can strengthen your lung and stomach muscles, slow down your heart beat, reduces stress, help recover faster from strenuous works and lots of other benefits. Whenever I am exhausted mentally or physically, I would do this exercise at least 6 times (9 times would be even better). See my video on Youtube Free Useful Qigong Lesson 1 - Loosening Exercises.

Loosening Exercises

Hand Twirling with wrists                                                       Hands bouncing up


                                                              Hands bouncing down

Hands Loosening
First place the hands by the side and stance in the ready stance. Turn the wrists of your hands like you are trying to unscrew and re-screw a light bulb. When you are quite fluent with the hand movements, you can add the breathing (mentioned earlier) together with the hand movements.

Please note that there are 3 joints; 1) shoulder and upper arm; upper arm and lower arm; lower arm and palm. When you are really good you should be able to move all three joints simultaneously. The next exercise is to bounce your palms upward and downward together with the breathing. The next exercise is the exact opposite where you flip your palms downward and then upward together with the breathing.

Some people would tell me this is real basic stuffs any qigong and tai chi practitioner should know. Unfortunately it is harder than most people realize. Most people do the exercises with normal breathing. I have not seen any person other than my students who can move all the joints simultaneously. If you do these exercises daily, you might be able to be free from problems of the hands.


Lift your right shoulder and roll backward bringing it downward. This will automatically lift the left shoulder which you should also roll backward and downward.

Shoulders Loosening
You should be in the ready stance. If you do this exercise daily and correctly, you will have loosened shoulders and be free from shoulder problem. Do not use the muscle strength, the elbow or hand to roll the shoulders. Just imagine as if you do not have any hands. Just lift your right shoulder and roll it backward. This will automatically move your shoulder downward and lift up the left shoulder. Now roll your left shoulder backward. As your left shoulder move downward, lift your right shoulder and roll it backward. Repeat the exercise for at least 10 minutes. Please watch my 
Free Useful Qigong Lesson 2 - Shoulders Rolls on Youtube. Those who are good in this exercise would also have a head start over others trying to learn qigong. It is a very important exercise which people choose to neglect out of pure ignorance.           


         Tap earth’s energies                                          Play with magnetic energies



Directs energies to Dan Tian                  Store your qi at Dan Tian

Feeling and Playing with energies (Standing Meditation)

When you stand in the sun, you automatically absorb the sun energies whether you want to or not. That is why you can feel sick after walking in the sun, a trip to a crowded area, a strong gust of wind and etc. When the energies are not required or at the right place such as the Dan Tian, you might get sick. To really harness the energies, you need to store it at the Tan Tien (2 to 3 inches below the belly).

Stand at the ready stance and hands by the side. We can try to feel the earth's magnetic field with our hands. If you cannot feel it, you may close your eyes for better focus. Learn to be loosened and relaxed (soong). The breathing for meditation is inhale and exhale through the nose. The tongue should be on the palate. Remember to use the hold 4 seconds exhale 6 seconds and relax (while breathing in) 4 seconds). You may start playing with them like pushing the two palms to meet each other and feel the palms repelling each other. This is due to our own magnetic fields.  Remember the more you play with it the better you will become.

After playing with your magnetic qi for 1 to 2 minutes, you may bring your laogong (the white spot area at the centre of your palms) to face each other. You may feel the energies interacting between the laogong of your palms. Some students may feel sensations on their palms such as vibratory flow, heat flow, blood flow, neuro chemical flow and magnetic flow. However please remember that we are all differently constituted and will have differing progress. Some may be able to learn it faster than others. However, overall mastery comes with the right mind (yi) and willpower. After you have done it for around 5 minutes (you can extend it up to half an hour if you wish). Please remember to save the energies at the Tan Tien by placing your hands there. You can then release any excess energies to the ground or the trees. You may watch Free Useful Qigong Lesson 3 - Playing with Qi (magnetic flow) on Youtube. This is a type of standing meditation

Checking your Progress

When you practice, choose a warm place and practice with your friends. With friends, people tends to learn faster. They try to outdo/ outlast each other making difficult tasks easier. Feeling of qi is a sign of progress. Lots of people cannot feel it at all. For the breathing exercises, make sure you are following it correctly. You need to master the loosening exercises and shoulder rolls by doing them at least 30 minutes each day. Remember the more effort you put in the more progress you make. If you have been practicing the shoulder roll correctly, your shoulders would feel light and loosened. This will allow your qi to flow unobstructed. If you are doing the loosening exercises correctly, your palms should be very red and fill with warm qi after the exercise. If you are doing the breathing correctly, you will have stronger lung and stomach muscles. You would also be less tiring and be more calm and patient. If you have master the playing with qi, you should be able to feel the magnetic flow allowing your centre of palms to repel each other. Obviously you should train harder .Do not drink cold water or take a cold bath immediately after qigong. Rest for at least 1 hour.

As mentioned above, our mind is a very powerful tool provided we know how to use it. Coupled with a strong will, many seemingly impossible things might become possible to be performed. For instance it is not logical for Master Zhou to break a brick with just a piece of newspaper or John Chang (aka DJ) to light up the newspaper with just his qi. Master Zhou/Jo appeared in Ripley Believe It or Not and many other shows, was able to bring his hands' temperature to almost boiling point as recorded by a thermal camera. This is only possible when one has done lots of meditations enabling the Yin (negative) and the Yang (positive) qi to be integrated. It is the bio electricity in our body. One must always be loosened and relaxed to allow the blood and qi to flow unobstructed. For more on meditation please read my article on Meditation. You may also watch my videos  Aura Expansion (close up version) and Aura Expansion Meditation  on Youtube. Advanced practitioners might be able to expand their aura/energies to cover a certain area.

Fa Chi (Qi Emission)
Fa Chi is the art of emitting qi. This comprises of Yi (mind/will power/intent) to direct the Qi. The purpose of fa qi is to send the energies to stimulate another person such as in healing. The people in witch craft can also use it for evil purposes. You can fa chi with your palm, fingers, eyes and mind. But everything would be useless if not directed by a focused mind and a strong will (Yi). How can you feel the qi if you are doubting its existence? How can you see qi when your mind reject the possibility? Just as the fish in the water does not realize the importance of water, the man in the midst of qi does not realize the importance of qi. It is only when the fish is out of the water that the water becomes important. Similarly, a man cannot be without qi. When the oxygen does not reach the brain, we get a stroke and might even die. 

By right we should have sufficient Yin and Yang Qi to achieve an equilibrium. However some people have more Yang Qi and vice versa. That is why some people's palms are warm while others are cold. Those with cold limbs can do with a dose of Yang qi.
We can Fa Chi to give qi to another person who is deficient in Yang qi. Of course if you learn qigong you will also be able to build up your qi level. For a person with too much Yang qi, we can help reduce the Yang qi by making the person sweat and also pressing the respective meridian points.

As mentioned, qi emission is via the fingers, centre of palms (loa gong) and eyes directed by Yi (the mind and a strong will). In my videos Real Colorful Qi Emission Part 1 & 2, you see qi emissions from my hands. In Colorful Real Finger Tips Qi Emission, you see energies from my finger tips. These energies are all drawn from my Tan Tien (Qi Storage Area about 2-3 inches below the belly) and directed by my Yi (mind and will power). It is not uncommon for a person to yell out loud to help push a bigger amount of qi out. So you will also see his hand vibrating violently. They are people who see my video and advice me to relax. Thanks for the nice gesture but you cannot draw a great amount of energy without a big effort.
I have seen videos of people being affected by qi but honestly most of it have to be connected with YI (mind and strong will). I do believe that we can feel a master qi and to some degree be affected by it. Some people feel warm while other feel a tingling sensation. Kindly refer to my article on Internal Martial Arts for more on using qi to affects others. 

Qiball is normally an imaginary ball because the qi is so light in color that most people will find it hard to see. Only with proper contrast and a large amount of qi can it be visible.
In order for one to be able to make a qiball, one has to first learn to feel qi and play with it. Use your mind to feel the qi. Close your eyes for better focus and relax. Place your hand in front of your stomach with the centre of the palms facing each other. In my Real Colorful Qiball, someone ask me how  to feel qi. There is a magnetic field in all of us. Do not be surprise when you close your eyes and let go of yourself, you can actually feel the qi repelling each other. It is a pleasant feeling. Some have tingling sensation on their hands. Do not be too excited as everyone has qi. Accept it as something normal and you will be able to progress faster. Keep playing with qi even when you are watching TV or talking to someone close (as outsider will normally consider you weird). The more you train to use qi, the more you are able to feel and see it. 

When you are sufficiently good at feeling and playing with qi, you can now start doing a qi ball. A qiball is round therefore you see in my video Real Colorful Qiball that I keep moving my hands in circles to keep the qi concentrated and round. Keep in mind that it does not matter whether you can see it or not. Even if you cannot see it, you can imagine it is there. The more you use your Yi (mind and strong will) the clearer will the qiball become. Seeing energies is not something that is easy to master. Some suddenly realise they can see energies when they started meditation. There are some who will never be able to see energies. Some students will never be able to make it because they are not willing to put in the efforts required. Half hearted attempts will only attract half hearted results. 

There was a 20 years old boy who locked himself in his room and started to do qiball when he realised his limbs could move on their own. He wrote to me to take back my energies as he only believe in Christ. I told him not to panic and calm down. I did not gave him any energy. Being impatient and trying to learn without the guidance of a master, he had inadvertently activated the autonomous free flow of qi . There are masters who charged several hundreds to thousands of dollars for such courses. Instead of being thankful, he actually accused me of witchcraft, devil, etc. Later he wrote to appologize and offer some token of appreciation which I rejected. Qigong is a non religious art of breathing and mind control. 

In my latest qiball video, The Ultimate Healing Qiball  you will be able to see it in the form of a Naruto's Rasengan. Of course it is not for killing anyone. I use it to heal my patients and help them overcome their health problems. 

Make sure you watch it on big screen on your computer or TV and you will definitely like it. It is the best qiball I have ever made. There is no other qiball like it. See the incredibly clear qi circulating in a qiball between my palms. I have not seen anything like this anywhere.

Lastly please learn it from someone who is qualified to teach.  If you are interested you can watch all my videos on Youtube in my channel

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At December 15, 2019 at 3:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your article is amazing.
One of the best Qi teachings on internet, genuine and in detail.
Can never thank you enough for this.


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